Time Is Money In marketing communications, we often mention you have seven seconds to capture the reader's attention. When you are making a winning sales pitch you got a maximum of five minutes to...
Category: Sales Promotion Strategies
Top 5 Companies That Have a Business Podcast and Why You Should Too
In 2017, advertisers spent an estimated $220 million on podcasts alone. Many people incorrectly thought that the podcast's popularity would be fleeting and that their acclaim would quickly wane....
We all like to get something for FREE. At most every event I attend there is a bowl to collect business cards for a chance to win a free giveaway of some kind. Of course, the reason for them to have...
Understanding Brand Essence When you enhance your brand essence when gifting free items you are essentially differentiating yourself from the competition while creating an emotional...
Everyone Is Searching For Answers Searching the net for a blog to solve a problem, answer a question or to discover a new idea to improve one's situation has become a national pastime. Be it for a...
Using sales promotion techniques to build brand equity seems counterintuitive. After all, sales promotion includes techniques that lift sales temporarily. However, when you look into the elements...