We all like to get something for FREE. At most every event I attend there is a bowl to collect business cards for a chance to win a free giveaway of some kind. Of course, the reason for them to have...
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Understanding Brand Essence When you enhance your brand essence when gifting free items you are essentially differentiating yourself from the competition while creating an emotional...
We’ve said this before, everyone likes something for “FREE” and that’s what giveaways are, a free gift. If you’ve thought through your branded gifts then the recipient says “thank...
Product sampling marketing campaigns provide immediate value. They also have a long-lasting impact on sales compared to other sales promotion techniques. You can track the value of this type of...
Brand marketing is represented in everything a company does down to the Goddie Bags you deliver. It may seem a little over the top but here is some important advice. Always strategize how to use...
Using sales promotion techniques to build brand equity seems counterintuitive. After all, sales promotion includes techniques that lift sales temporarily. However, when you look into the elements...