Even the extremely successful new product launch geniuses of Apple computer suffered from ‘bendgate’ soon after the launch of the iPhone 6. If you are ever involved in a new product development...
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A cost-effective element in your marketing plan for increasing brand awareness, customer engagement and broadening your overall reach are contests and sweepstakes. Obviously, consumers are attracted...
Customer needs and priorities are continually changing. [caption id="attachment_1953" align="alignleft" width="150"] Customers as business innovators may uncover issues you never...
When I first began my career the 4ps of marketing were constantly drilled into me. Those 4ps being: Product, Place, Price and Promotion. Understanding and developing those 4ps helped you to...
Draw more attention by leveraging the value of your media plan to attract prize partners to participate in your promotion. The payoff is often greater than you expected when you do the research and...
[caption id="attachment_2002" align="alignleft" width="150"] The explosion of information processing available in today’s network economy allows small business to funnel big data to build...