Lumpy Mail Increases an Items Promotional Impact

lumpy mail

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Have you considered entering the multi-dimensional world of lumpy mail; aka 3-dimentional mail. Direct mail is two-dimensional and boring. In fact, forty-eight percent of unsolicited direct mail is chucked directly into the trash without getting opened.

Clever copy, combined with a promotional product, is the adult brains version of a box of Cracker Jacks
Clever copy, combined with a promotional product, is the adult brains version of a box of Cracker Jacks

Stuffing a promotional product into an envelope, gift box or other curious carrier piques our interest. Curiosity often gets the best of us; impulse control goes out the window as we are driven to immediately open the prized package. When the lumpy letter’s copy, attention grabbing headline and promotional product all work together, the simplest item becomes a valued treasure.

Comedic, clever, controversial or cool copy, combined with a prize, is the adult brains version of a box of Cracker Jacks. Lumpy mail increases an items promotional value as the proud recipient shares the cool commodity with co-workers. The more people that experience the jubilant gem contained within your 3-D transmission, the more opportunities there will be for them to interact with your brand and brainstorm on how they engage with your product or service. ‘Lumpy mail gets your foot in the door; make sure you have a targeted position in mind.’

Creative Direct Mail With Depth

Not to get too fancy-pants, but here is a quote from the late Maya Angelou that sums up your creative task: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  The texture and imagery of a promotional product combined with extremely creative copy, that hits an emotional cord, is absolutely necessary for your mailing to get the results you established. Make them feel it using their hands, heart and head. Here are some examples that illustrate the creative process.

Avoid Taking Your Lumps

Knowing your audience, and researching a highly targeted list is the first step in getting a positive Return On Investment (ROI). A ‘former’ politician who got caught-up in a local government scandal (surprise, surprise) moved away from the messy scene to a new city. He trained as a business coach and opened up shop with absolutely zero contacts.

A stress-reliever gavel was enclosed to bring up imagery of stress experienced under the judicial system.
A stress-reliever gavel was enclosed to bring up imagery of stress experienced under the judicial system.

The coaching business objective was to use lessons learned to coach local politicians. He joined the Chamber of Commerce, got the low-down on the local political scene, developed a list of 25 politicians that he wanted to meet, and created a lumpy mail package. His objective was to introduce himself with impact and set-up a lunch or casual meeting.

The promotional product he selected was a stress-reliever gavel to bring up imagery of the judicial system and the stress he experienced. He created a letter telling his story using controversy mixed with comedy to gain attention and create an emotional bond. He made sure to call each contact soon after the mail was delivered. His creativity and tenacity paid off. He met with all 25 prospects and got six of them as clients. Now don’t expect this level of success, a politicians job is to speak with their constituents so he had that going for him, too. If you are a small business or consultant be sure to test the package, fine-tune your message and make sure that every lead is followed-up with a phone call, email or other forms of communication to meet your ROI objectives.


 Big Business Building Lump Sums

Large businesses that market within in the Business-to-Business (B2B) arena and sell products or services that generate a high-dollar volume often use lumpy mail very effectively. The objective is to build highly profitable business relationships or attract affluent clients.

Leather driving gloves and a letter from the CEO drove a 3-D campaign about a sporty new car
Leather driving gloves and a letter from the CEO drove a 3-D campaign about a sporty new car

A well-known advertising agency I worked for delivered a 3-D mail piece every two months to a targeted list of CEO’s. The objective was to feature the agency’s creativity on many levels. One example was a direct mail package that highlighting the agency’s’ launch of a campaign for an automotive client. The client developed a sleek, sporty, convertible, which was uncharacteristic for the established brand.

A gift box, customized with the agency’s logo, was filled with leather driving gloves and a letter from the CEO about how the team drove the clients advertising in a new direction. Corporate CEO’s at high levels often cross paths and the continuous flow of creative updates through an upscale form of lumpy mail made an ongoing impression.


Proceed Into New Dimensions With Caution

Lumpy mail is very expensive. A first class letter that may cost around fifty cents to mail can jump to two-dollars, or more, by adding a small lumpy element. If you are planning to embark on a 3-D strategy keep in mind that the list is significantly more important than anything you put in the envelope. Like any marketing plan, start with an objective and the reaction and action you want to rouse. If the cost to acquire a new customer figures into your business model and you can project a significant ROI, then move forward cautiously, testing results along the way. Creativity in choosing your promotional product and tying it into your copy is a challenge, yet when all is done,  it’s fun. Remember when choosing your promotional product and writing copy “ it is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.”




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